ME factor

Showing kindness to others is intentional. It is not something we do when we have some extra time, pockets are full, or when we "feel" like it. Let's be honest, there are times in our lives where we just aren't "feeling" it. We don't feel like smiling or saying hello. We don't feel like ignoring the negative comment that was thrown our way, and we have to "vent" so we can feel better about it. We may not  feel like giving to someone when our banking accounts are getting a little low. What if we need that extra money for an emergency down the road?  We may not feel like taking the time to help a person in need because our schedules are already busy as it is.

Our fast paced world so often focuses on the ME factor. What is best for ME? What can I do for ME? How can I better ME? How is this going to impact ME? Here's the deal. Showing kindness to others is taking a moment to look past ME, see someone who is in need, and helping that person, with no expectation of something in return.

If we are honest with ourselves, we can all have the ME factor from time to time. For the most part, I  don't believe it's because we don't care about others and don't want to help. This world is going at a crazy fast pace and most of us feel like there isn't enough for us to give. There is always something we aren't going to have "enough" of that keeps us from showing intentional kindness to someone else. We have to stop using that as an excuse, myself included.

When you show kindness to others it can be a domino effect. Your kind act can lead someone else to do a kind act, which can lead another person to do a kind act, which can lead that person to do a kind act. You get the point.

The world seems like it is falling apart right now. Every time we turn on the news or get onto social media there seems to be another tragedy or act of violence that has occurred. Let's flood social media and the news with the good that is happening! No kind act is too small. Your small act can make a profound impact on someone's life. Let's change this world one kind act at a time.

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